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Find below the best “Customer Journey Stages” diagram. The top “Customer journey funnel” chart. Download and use this popular framework for your customer journey mapping design.

This popular diagram among marketers is also referred to as:

Designed by Mau, a Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at eDigital.


The core function of marketing is to connect the right people to the right product by surfacing the right messages at the right time. This essentially boils down to following a potential customer on their path to purchase and communicating the right ideas based on their interests at the right time using the some of the best digital marketing channels.


Below is the Customer journey stages funnel diagram you could use to framework your marketing strategies by looking at the Customer Life Cycle Stages.

Understanding your Customer Purchase and Loyalty Journey will help you bring relevant and valuable content and experiences to your potential buyers and current customers. This popular framework is a great strategic marketing tool to help you in the design of your brand’s Customer journey mapping.

customer journey stages funnel diagram chart framework

customer journey stages funnel diagram chart framework

Key considerations for the acquisition phase (top one in the graph in blue):

  • Make sure people see that your business, product, or service exists. Address all the people who match the desired customer profile based on their age, gender, interests, and behaviours.
  • Lead people to think about your brand or show interest in your brand. Address all the people who match the desired customer profile and have shown some interest in the advertised product or category.
  • Get potential customers to try your brand and make a purchase. Address all the people who have shown a strong interest in the advertised brand or product.

Key considerations for the development phase (bottom one in the graph in green):

  • Get your new customer to use your brand as soon as possible. Make sure your delivery promise is fulfilled.
  • Make it easy for people to use your brand in the most optimal way. Educate the customer with the best practices for using your brand.
  • Make people care enough to purchase more or advocate for your business. Collect customers’ reviews and make it easy for your customers to recommend your brand to their friends and family.

Consumer path to purchase – Simplified graph

customer purchase journey cycle eDigital

customer purchase journey cycle eDigital

Customer Purchase Journey implications in marketing and advertising

It’s important to consider what stage of the customer journey your target is in.

For example, an ad that is designed to make people – who are not familiar with your brand – become aware of it and form an opinion of it can not be expected to result in people buying the product immediately. They may need to see subsequent ads (a marketing practice known as sequencing) that give them more reason to buy the product. Your brand awareness campaign objective is about building trust.

On the other hand, ads that are designed to encourage purchase may not work very well to help people form an opinion of the brand or improve their perception of its quality.

Every time someone interacts with your brand or your employees, their perception of your brand or company is influenced. This includes online reviews, mentions on social media, as well as your marketing.

Through marketing and advertising campaigns, it is possible to build familiarity with your brand and its recognition and encourage people to buy your products over the competition. An ad seen today can trigger sales in the near future while also ensuring future sales to come.

Some marketers limit their strategy to tactics close to the end of the customer purchase journey.

For example, they might focus mostly on ads targeted to people who have a preformed opinion of the brand or are ready to make a purchase and are therefore more likely to convert into a customer.

Other marketers focus on the beginning of the customer journey (for example, awareness ads).

The savviest marketers focus on covering the entire consumer journey as long as it’s profitable.

Marketers are learning how to write the best digital marketing plan.


The Customer Purchase Funnel diagram is important in marketing for understanding customer behaviour, targeting marketing efforts and optimising conversion rates.

Understanding the Customer Journey Stages can help you measure performance, allocate resources effectively and boost customer loyalty

Customer Journey Mapping a foundational tool for guiding marketing strategies and decision-making to drive brand growth and increase leads and sales for your business.

eDigital can help you conceptualise, plan, develop, run and optimise successful digital marketing campaigns that generate leads and sales for your brand.

Other marketing services we offer include:

  • Strategic planning for social media and other digital marketing channels.
  • Online advertising: Google Ads Search, Display, Re-marketing and social media ads.
  • Training: social media marketing training and digital marketing training.
  • SEO strategy, SEO content development and execution.
  • Celebrity and influencer marketing campaign strategy.
  • Branding. Logo creation, brand development and design of marketing materials.
  • Consumer contests/competitions/giveaways.
  • Email marketing. Dip sequence design and deployment.
  • Conversion rate optimisation. Path to purchase analysis and optimisation.

Contact us today and start boosting your leads and sales.

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Final note: Want to reduce customer acquisition costs and dependency on paid media? Our exclusive digital marketing strategy workshops will unmercifully review your marketing, help you build a marketing engine with channels and assets you own, stir your team’s thinking, bring new ideas for new conversion paths and boost customer lifetime value.


was brought to you by Mau
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Considered one of the best marketing consultants in Sydney, Mau offers some of the best digital marketing strategy workshops and best social media training. Mau also loves football, design, music and art. Marketers are using Mau‘s popular Digital Marketing Plan and Social Media Plan templates

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Mau is travelling the 🌎 world. Follow Mau’s stories on YouTube