Find below how to get free website traffic fast in 2024. Learn the best tips, tricks and cheapest hacks to drive and increase free website traffic fast in 2024.

Written by Mau, a Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at eDigital.


Before you learn how to get free website traffic fast, let me tell you something…

1+ million marketers visited in the last year

Yeah, that’s right!

A million marketers are now reading my content.

But I still remember that day back in March 2014 when went live with zero, nada, no visits.

Below are my free tips and advice for those looking to get free traffic to their website fast.

The insights shared below come from my own experience managing and writing content for this website and helping hundreds of clients drive and increase free website traffic.

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  1. Use a reliable and fast hosting provider. Many clients make the massive mistake of paying for cheap hosting and they get their website hosted on a shared slow server, making your website run slow. Set up Google Analytics alerts to be on top of any fluctuations in traffic.
  2. Invest in SEO training. Most websites never get off the ground due to a lack of best SEO practices. Learn all the latest SEO principles to get your pages showing up in Google. Otherwise, just sell your domain and find another job.
  3. Get your branding right. Branding is one of the most powerful tools you have to get visitors to enjoy and connect with the content you share. Branding is not just visuals or your logo. Branding also includes how to respond to customers’ enquiries fast and your brand’s personality, tone and voice.
  4. Make it simple. Do not complicate the reading and the enjoyment of your website content. Use simple, language and avoid unnecessary information.
  5. Improve, improve, improve. Invest probably more time improving your most-read articles. Yes, you need to keep creating new content but make it a top priority to -always- improve the content that is already giving you the most visits.
  6. Get visitors to subscribe to your e-newsletter. Yes, if you do not ask people to subscribe, they will never subscribe. Get your subscriber’s numbers up and send them your top-quality content pieces, at some point, a few of those opening your emails and reading your content will become clients.
  7. Monetise. Can you see all the templates we promote on the footer of this page? Yes, that’s right! we sell heaps of them. We could have given them for free but we know marketers and business owners will pay for those premium digital assets. You can also package your knowledge as premium content, exclusive training sessions, guides or templates. If you are not making money out of your knowledge with paid content, you are wasting your time as an independent online publisher.

Since the website launch (back in March 2014), it is been a great learning journey full of granular wins, mistakes and opportunities for improvement.

This exclusive and premium guide is for you and will uncover – in more detail – how to successfully get free website traffic fast and how to avoid all the mistakes we have made.

This guide will unlock the code to the unique traffic acquisition strategies I learned in my past roles with some of the most visited websites in Australia and the key ones I tested on the eDigital website to get us to the 700k+ visitors mark we have today.

This professional guide will also give you exclusive access to the ways we have monetised this eDigital website through different offering types and the way we have tested different products and services, some working remarkably well and some others buried for a lack of customer interest.

This top guide is only relevant for serious website owners or bloggers interested in skyrocketing their traffic fast. This premium guide will answer your questions about what it takes to make money as an online publisher.

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  • Complete your payment on PayPal.
  • Once payment is completed, PayPal will show you a “Return to merchant” link. Please click on that link to be taken to a page where you will find this premium guide.

You can always contact us if you have any questions or issues.


Consistency is key if you want to build a community online. You do not necessarily have to be the best writer or content creator as long as you can own a specific voice and tone people tune to. 

eDigital can help you conceptualise, plan, develop, run and optimise successful marketing campaigns that generate leads and sales for your brand.

The services we offer include:

  • Strategic planning for social media and other digital marketing channels.
  • Online advertising management and optimisation (Search, Display, social media ads and re-marketing).
  • Marketing training: social media training and digital marketing training. 
  • SEO strategy and execution. Including content development (articles, stories, eye-catching and SEO-optimised visuals).
  • Celebrity and influencer marketing campaign strategy. 
  • Brand development. Logo creation, brand personality development and design of marketing materials.
  • Consumer contests/competitions/giveaways.
  • Email marketing. Dip sequence design and deployment. 
  • Conversion rate optimisation. Also called “path to purchase” optimisation. 

Contact us today and start boosting your leads and sales.

Hundreds of marketers have supported us with their generous donations. Donate today! or join 5k+ marketers receiving our e-newsletter.

Final note: Want to reduce customer acquisition costs and dependency on paid media? eDigital‘s marketing strategy training will unmercifully review your marketing, help you build a marketing engine with channels and assets you own, stir your team’s thinking, bring new ideas for new conversion paths and boost customer lifetime value.


was brought to you by Mau
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Mau is one of the most popular marketing consultants and facilitator of eDigital‘s best marketing strategy training and best social media training.  Top marketers use Mau’s popular Digital Marketing Plan and Social Media Plan templates.

Book Mau for your next training day or join 5k+ marketers receiving Mau‘s e-newsletter.