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The best “Social Media Channels by Age” chart image. Curated by Mau, a Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at eDigital.

You can also design your own social media channels by age chart in Canva with our template.


The best Social Media Channels by Age chart image.  Get the image template and create your copy on Canva.

🎯 Popular today: The Conversation Prism

The eDigital’s “Social Media Channels by Age” image is a great premium chart that outlines the general users’ ages for each social media channel.

You can edit this chart image as you wish and create your own. This means you can add more media channels and/or modify the age range.

The media channels by age on this image include:

  • Snapchat
  • Twitch
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • TV streaming
  • Free TV
  • Print
  • Radio
  • Podcast

Marketers are using the best Social Media Strategy template

This exclusive “Social Media Channels by Age” chart will help you understand the current social media landscape and trends when planning your social media strategies. And with the right social media management tools, you can improve your results.

How to edit this chart image!


  • Complete payment on Paypal. It is fast and easy!
  • Once you complete payment, click on the “Return to merchant” link to be redirected to a confirmation page where you will find the link to the template on Canva.
  • Once you get to Canva, you will be able to edit/change any element of this chart image and create and save your own new version of this chart.
  • If you have any questions or issues you can always contact us.

Trending today: the “best generations names and years” chart


This “best social media channels by age” chart is helping marketers and business owners around the world to understand the most common age of social media users for each platform.

The “best social media channels by age” image provides a great indication of what users’ ages to expect on each platform.

eDigital can help you conceptualise, plan, develop, run and optimise successful digital marketing campaigns that generate leads and sales for your brand.

Other marketing services we offer include:

  • Strategic planning for social media and other digital marketing channels.
  • Online advertising: Google Ads Search, Display, Re-marketing and social media ads.
  • Training: social media marketing training and digital marketing training.
  • SEO strategy, SEO content development and execution.
  • Celebrity and influencer marketing campaign strategy.
  • Branding. Logo creation, brand development and design of marketing materials.
  • Consumer contests/competitions/giveaways.
  • Email marketing. Dip sequence design and deployment.
  • Conversion rate optimisation. Path to purchase analysis and optimisation.

Next: the “best generations names and years” chart

Contact us today and start boosting your leads and sales.

Marketers are supporting us with their generous donations. Donate today and join 5k+ marketers receiving our e-newsletter.

Final note: Want to reduce customer acquisition costs and dependency on paid media? Our exclusive digital marketing strategy workshops will unmercifully review your marketing, help you build a marketing engine with channels and assets you own, stir your team’s thinking, bring new ideas for new conversion paths and boost customer lifetime value.


was brought to you by Mau
cat laptop rug book red glasses illustration

Considered one of the best marketing consultants in Sydney, Mau offers some of the best digital marketing strategy workshops and best social media training. Mau also loves football, design, music and art. Marketers are using Mau‘s popular Digital Marketing Plan and Social Media Plan templates

Hire Mau for marketing training and join 5k+ marketers receiving Mau‘s e-newsletter

Mau is travelling the 🌎 world. Follow Mau’s stories on YouTube